In December 1947,a young man and a woman find themselves caught up into something bigger than themselves- the rivalry between the British Protestant and French Catholic missionaries at the Royal Court at the end of the Nineteenth century.
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Catharine Olivia Mufumba
Thank you Jane, interesting reading. Good luck.
I look forward to reading more stories from you. Every blessing.
Malcolm Twigg
I found this to be a fascinating piece of social history from a culture different to my own that was nevertheless entirely coherent and emblematic of the harm that religion does to society. Though fascinating, the introductory historical antecedents detracted from the story itself. It was necessary, but could well have been condensed into a few sentences just outlining the historical divisions that had occurred. Nice twist at the end.
Sabiha Sea
This was both educational and entertaining. I can relate to [religious culture being a barrier between people]. However, I felt that the religious history at the beginning was padded out too much, and consequently, dragged on for too long. In my view, a good story would've been even better if this section was brief.